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Kamen Rider Kabuto

Rabu, 01 Juni 2011.

Souji Tendou, Kamen Rider Kabuto

Kabuto Rider Form

Kabuto Masked Form

Kabuto Hyper Form

Based on a "Kabutomushi" or rhinoceros beetle. Souji Tendou is a mysterious, quiet 21-year old man who often seems to follow monk-like philosophies of peace. Despite having many talents, he is usually uninterested in pursuing anything, that is until his belt activates. He calls himself "Treasure in the World" and "Treasure of the Universe". He stays at a big home with his little sister, loves cooking, and seems to have an interest in Kagami's co-worker, Hiyori. As a result, he is a regular customer at Bistro La Salle. Because of his abilities, Tendou is somewhat rude, and exceedingly arrogant. But deep down, he cares for other people and helps them when in need. He possesses an uncanny ability to see through the Worms disguises as well as detect if there are any nearby without the use of any devices. Furthermore, the Worms seems to be attracted to him. This might imply that Tendou is using himself as bait or that there is something about him that attracts the Worms. It is not until episode 15, after defeating Kageyama and seeing him as unfit to be a leader, that he joins ZECT (under the comical pseudonym "Soujiro Tendouji"), even wearing a full Shadow ZECT Trooper uniform, though he quits (basically stops going to work) by the end of episode 16 - his tenure with ZECT was merely a means to the end of digging out some Worms. Tendou possesses powerful strength and is stronger than any other Riders in every way, from searching for Worms to battling. Tendou's arrogant (some would say confident) attitude and superior power usually results in great dislikes from other characters, especially the other Riders, resulting in battles, although Kabuto always defeats them easily. (In a "Super Hero Time" transitional video, he is shown to have used Kabuto's Clock Up to win at a game of cards with Kagami.) By pressing the three leg buttons on his belt (in the order of 1-2-3) and flipping the switch on the Zecter twice, Kabuto is able to execute his attack, Rider Kick. Kabuto can also unleash a modified (believed to be more powerful) Rider Kick using his Kabuto Extender Ex Mode's impaler as a jump board.


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